I’m Ronald Nhondova, a Masters in Interdisciplinary Data Science (Class of 2021) graduate from Duke University.

I have a personal philosophy in life: What I thrive and aspire to do, is find things that would represent my unique contribution to the world - the contribution that only I, and my portfolio of talents, can possibly make happen.

I'm Ronald Nhondova, a Masters in Interdisciplinary Data Science (Class of 2021) graduate from Duke University.

Projects Portfolio

What I Love Doing

It’s hard to stay ahead of the game given the rapid advancement of technology. I’m Driven by what I can achieve with the skills I already have and intrigued by the knowledge I can acquire in the areas I’m not vested in yet.

Actuarial Science

The versatility of the skills and rigor of the theory that I've learnt in this profession, have made me an asset to my employers, in solving problems with a holistic view and within the confines of their risk appetite.

Actuarial Science

Data Science and Analytics

I thrive to bring insights that are founded on rigorous statistical theory and complemented by business acumen refined over several years of exposure.

Quantification of Risk

I believe that all corporates or businesses should have an intricate understanding of their risk exposure (especially at an enterprise level), to enable taking advantage of risk synergies and potential upside.

Machine Learning

These are powerful tools, that when used responsibly and trasparently, can help unlock and optimize decision making.

Product Design

Experienced in product development in different sectors of consumer and financial services especially insurance risk products.

Knowledge Sharing

I'm passionate about knowledge knowledge transfer through teaching and mentoring. So involved in multiple initiatives and always interested in learning more.

I’m always actively exploring different problems and experimenting with new techniques.

Below is some of the work I've done recently at Duke University and in my personal capacity

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Whether you just want to give a shout out or are looking to start a project, feel free to email & I’ll quickly be in touch.