Showing 8 Result(s)

Index volatility based options trading

The article below is part of the paper I co-authored for the Algorithmic trading class, I took at Duke University. The project entailed creating a trading algorithm based on identifying volatility arbitrage opportunities to trade share options with indices as the underlying. To isolate the volatility arbitrage opportunities, the team explored using delta hedging. This …

Stock prediction app using RNN

The app embedded below uses Streamlit app deployment service. The app attempts to predict the stock price for the top 20 stocks on the S&P (based on market cap when the models were created). For each of the stocks, a recurrent neural network model is created.Sentiment analysis is also applied to tweets tagging the company symbol. …

Heart failure prediction app

In this project, I as part of a cloud computing team at Duke University, implemented a machine learning pipeline that trains a model and provides predictions about the risk of having a heart attack. We then deployed the model using Streamlit. The application’s end point is running on Google App Engine and can be accessed through …

Impact of transfer learning techniques in identifying the type of damage on an image for car insurance claims

Claims processing for car insurance can be an administratively costly process as the time investment required from claim adjusters can be intensive. Most expenses incurred by insurance companies are passed on to policyholders, so any process optimizations should be beneficial to both the company and the policyholder. The main objective of the project was to …